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Posted by on March 14, 2011

Although we are focusing on prelaunch projects we had to get the davits installed. Davits were not necessary for launch, it was merely a matter of logistics. Our dinghy was in storage two hours away from the boat and Bob’s truck was the only means available for transport so we had to get the davits installed and the dinghy moved before Bob returned home. We ordered the davits from Kato Marine in Annapolis, they were great to work with and the davits are beautiful! The installation instructions were clear and they even supplied us with pictures from other customers with the same boat. 

Attached to the stern rail.

After much measuring, eyeballing and second guessing, I marked and drilled the holes.

…wa-la…two davits installed!

After the davits were in place we installed the rail reinforcing straps.

Then we put on the clam cleats.

After hoisting the dinghy off the roof of Bob’s truck, we took the final measurement for the lateral stabilizer that Kato will manufacture for us. Once the stabilizer is installed we will be done with that project!

Almost done!

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