The weather here has been dismal for the past week, cold, rain, fog, more rain. The damp weather makes it very difficult to make progress on some of our most important projects. When we went to bed last night it was pouring rain. When we woke up the sun was shining and it is supposed to be sunny and “warm” for the next three days!!
We were able to apply Awlgrip primer to the topsides today:
After priming we faired the topsides. All the tiny little surface imperfections have to be filled with Awlgrip fairing compound before applying the top coat. Even the smallest little cracks will show up in the new paint.
We should be able to sand all of this tomorrow then add a final coat of primer.
We have uncovered the masts and have begun prepping those for primer and paint as well.
With any luck we will be applying the top coat on Monday.