This model boat is known for fuel tank leaks. A combination of dissimilar metals, a moist environment, and 33 years of age causes corrosion on the steel tank. Once the tank begins to corrode, small pin holes open up causing leaks. I didn’t think ours was leaking yet but once we dug into it, it looks like it has begun. I’m glad we did our research before hand and planned to replace the tank.
The lighter colored area at the bottom of the tank is where the retaining boards were screwed in. The boards butted up tight with the bottom of the cradle creating a perfect place for moisture to collect. You can see the moisture stained area all along the bottom edge of the tank and the severe corrosion in the corners.
(engine bed is getting pretty clean, eh?):
We researched the negatives of this model boat before we bought it so this was no shock. Because of the age of the boat we planned to replace the tank anyway, good or bad:
Now to get it out. I can tell from the way it is fastened in that the boat was built around the tank. Fun stuff.