Every Little Bit

Every little bit of progress is huge and it means we’re getting closer and closer to the goal!

We finally found a place that will re-certify our propane tanks. The tanks are $200 each, the re-cert is $20… One passed, one failed. The one that failed inspection still has propane so we’re going with it…

This one passed so it’s good for 10 years. They stamped it:

We received our new genoa cars, they’re beautiful!!

The control lines (sheets) for the headsail pass through these and enable us to better control the headsail in different conditions. New-Old:

We are about half way through grinding the bottom paint off…funnnnnn. Once we finish the bottom we’ll go back in the water and prep for departure.
We ordered several hundred dollars in provisions through Amazon Pantry which was awesome. We have a huge food order we are picking up from Walmart tomorrow…we’ll let you know how that goes.

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More Progress

We’re making progress!

The boat is going back together and she’s looking great!

As I mentioned previously, the paint was beginning to fade so we sanded the top sides and repainted in Awlgrip Oyster White.

Click for full screen view.

It was tough putting a sander to all that hard work:

…but the new paint is so beautiful and shiny!!

We also replaced the stainless exhaust with a synthetic fitting. The stainless was very difficult to keep clean and left giant rust stains down the stern paint. We also started on the boot stripe, which is coming out very well!

We removed the stem head fitting from the bow (the head stay attaches to the stem head fitting). We wanted to have a new one manufactured but opted to have it inspected; no cracks found:

After inspection we reinstalled the fitting on the bow with new hardware, reattached the head stay/roller furler, and put the anchor and chain back on the boat!!

We have replaced a couple of the halyards, sheets, furler and davit lines. We have also ordered new genoa cars for easier control of the head sail! She’s almost like new again!

We ordered 10 huge inflatable fenders. I finally got around to sewing fender covers:

…and we have started to provision! Amazon Pantry makes provisioning so easy and it’s the same price as…you know where…and free delivery to boot!!!

More to follow…

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Just a few pics from our current project…

Click for full screen view

Installed the main boom/spar. Don’t look too close, the reflection of the sun off of the amazing paint will burn your retinas:

Cleaned and sanded the hull:

Boat yard lunch with concrete chair and makeshift table:

We love painting…love it…

Wet paint:

Dry paint! The shine is unbelievable. This is the finish I was looking for when we painted her a few years ago. This is just the first coat!

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Hello Everyone!

It has been a few months since our last update; we are getting ready to set sail again. Tanya has been working, I graduate from school next month, we are getting the boat fixed up, and we started provisioning today! Exciting!

A few pics…

We had been on a waiting list to haul out since last December but were told there was no prayer for a space. Long story short, after several months of waiting I called and they told me “sure we have lots of room.” We departed our local marina and motored a few hours north.

Dock side for a 0900 haul:

…at 1030:

On the wash rack for a pressure wash:

High and dry:

We are back at it, touching up paint, etc.:

Recoated the anchor and chain:

Marked the chain every 10 feet:

One thing (of the many things) I never got around to doing was painting the main boom. The finish was rough and faded:

After a couple of coats of primer and some Matterhorn white, it looked beautiful. The paint came out really nice. Later that night it poured and of course the boom looked like a snake skin wallet the next morning:

After sanding and a couple additional coats of Awlgrip…almost perfect! The shine is amazing:

So shiny, and inside that cardboard tube on the floor to the right is a brand new whisker pole!

We still have a few projects left but nothing too big. We are looking forward to sailing the Pacific in 2019!!

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What is Going On?

Tanya is Home! Wooo Hooo!

Things seem to be looking good…or at least better, on all fronts. Not much going on but making some slow progress preparing the boat for our next adventure…

All three sails needed a little work. In addition to normal periodic maintenance, we wanted to change the dark blue headsail cover to match the rest of the canvas:

(Click on the pics for full screen view)

The mainsail needed some work as well:

The sails haven’t been to a professional in several years, and my little sewing machine is not strong enough to take on some of the larger projects, so we took them to a real sail loft:

Reconditioned headsail with new linen sail cover:

Reconditioned mainsail:

New clew:

Reinforced headboard, ALL the slides were reattached:

…some of the slides replaced:

All set, ready for our next journey:

Had a pin-hole leak in the mast boot. After some searching we found and repaired the leak. We had to replace a couple of small wood strips and two ceiling panels:

New pieces installed:

Cut out new ceiling panels:


Leak Fixed, Ceiling Done!

Time to re-varnish some of the interior pieces:

We are using Epifanes varnish:

Varnishing some of the hatch trim pieces:

Finally bought some closed cell foam and made some new seat cushions:

Done! They’re closed cell waterproof foam covered with Sunbrella so we will be able to leave these in the cockpit 24/7, rain or shine:

I’ve been in front of the sewing machine quite a bit this year. Fourth and final modification to the dinghy chaps:

The Caribbean sun is tough on canvas, ours needs to be replaced. Mizzen sail cover is done, the main sail cover is almost done:

Another “woo-hoo”, this time for steel reinforced butyl rubber sanitation hose!! $10 per foot YAY!! Can I pay more?? YAY!! …our sanitation hose was about six years old and getting a bit…crispy… so we opted to replace it. Expensive but worth it:

We’ll skip the installation pics, best for everyone. Hose installed, toilet back in:

I don’t like storing too many things on deck because I think it makes the boat look cluttered, so I ordered four of these inflatable fenders, they’re huge! Our old fenders are fairly large but can not be deflated, so we have to store them on deck. These new fenders inflate quickly and deflate quicker than a New England Patriots football! They can fold flat and even roll up so now we don’t have to store our fenders on deck. I will probably order four more in the fall. Exciting stuff:

I forgot to order the special fitting to properly inflate them…so two weeks later:

They deflate in about 15 seconds. Four huge deflated fenders:

More exciting stuff…anchor chain flaked-out in the back yard, I’ll recoat it in the fall. The last time we stored the boat we left the chain in a pile only to come back in a year to find nothing but a pile of rust. Never leave expensive metal in a pile, that was a $1000 mistake. I love making expensive mistakes, they’re the best!

We thought we were done with bottom jobs/paint, but we’re not. We will haul out again in the fall to change out a small thru-hull and paint the bottom one last time. Last month I picked up our favorite bottom paint during a boat show. This paint is normally around $260 or more a gallon, I got it for $210! We have used four different brands of bottom paint and traveled from Maine to South America and none have come close to Petit:

Well here she is, stripped down, empty, sitting (about four inches higher) in the marina. We have taken nearly everything we own off the boat in order to scale back and tailor our list for the next leg of our journey. Having an empty boat also makes projects go much better! We’re slowly fixing and upgrading systems in order to avoid as many problems as we can. She is still in great shape and will be better than ever by the time we depart again. I’m thinking about painting the topsides when we haul out, maybe a couple of coats rolled and tipped, we’ll see.

Well that’s it for now…stay tuned…for more riveting, edge-of-your-seat excitement!

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