Klein Curacao and Curacao

Pictures from Klein Curacao and Curacao.

The tour boats flock to Klein (little) Curacao during the day but depart by 4pm at the latest. We had the place to ourselves for a couple of afternoons.

Beautiful beach:

Dea Latis at Klein Curacao, storm raging in the distance. One of those squalls eventually came up and smacked the tar out of us for a solid hour…not fun:

Working lighthouse:

Dea Latis anchored in the distance:

Mechanical or electrical conduit at one time. The light is automated LED now.

Of course, Verboden Toegang:

Ship wreck on the east shore:

…back down…

…and across the lunar surface to check out the wrecks:

Nice big sailboat. The thought of this gives me a chill:

Shipwreck from the early 80’s:

Back across to Tranquility Base:

Tranquility Base

Dea Latis patiently waiting:

We spent a few days at Klein and moved on to the main island of Curacao. Santa Barbara Golf Resort at the inlet to Spanish Water:

Santa Barbara Resort

Inlet to the main anchorage of Spanish Water:

The hotel’s small marina…$3 per foot per night…too rich for us!


So we anchored in Spanish Water, we’ll not tell that story or the story of getting to Willemstad to check in…to boring, yes that’s it. Now we’re downtown checking in. Once we checked in with customs we had to cross this pontoon bridge to get to another part of town to finish the process.

Queen Emma Bridge

Looking north to the vehicle bridge that links the city together:

Queen Juliana Bridge

Punda, which is the East side of Willemstad:

Customs building in Punda on the far left in that row:

Then into Otrobanda which is the West side of Willemstad, to find Immigration. Big commercial dredge pierside:

Go US Coast Guard! Stopped in Curacao…must be tough…

Walking under the bridge looking for our next stop:

…found it, buried down in the commercial port, Maritime Immigration Office:

Back across the pontoon bridge and home for some rest. The bridge has a big diesel engine with propellers on both sides to move the span open and closed. The bridge opened just after we crossed:

We had a long busy day so we just snapped a few pictures along the way to check in. We went back to Willemstad a couple of times so we do have better pictures and will put them up soon.

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We Are In Aruba!

We are in Aruba!

…and we were in Curacao just yesterday…

…and this post has nothing to do with any of that…

I’ll get caught up…soon…

Most of these pictures are from a dive at the salt pier in Bonaire. These were taken by my dive buddy Lise and they’re really nice so I had to put them up. I grouped them this time. Click to enlarge.


This one was huge:

Queen Angelfish:

French Angelfish:

Trunk Fish:

Reef Fish:

These look like they’re wearing prison uniforms:

More reef fish:

A grouper and spotted eel:



Porcupine fish:

That’s it for now. We had a great time in Curacao too and will update as soon as we can!

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Klein Curacao

We are anchored at Klein Curacao a few miles southeast of Curacao. It is so nice to be back at anchor in a new place!

Klein Curacao is a flat scrub island but the water and the beach are beautiful. The tour boats flock in during the day but it’s almost 4pm and the last boat is leaving.

There are half a dozen moorings but we decided to practice anchoring again, glad we did:

How long does it take to wear down chain this thick?

We went snorkeling and this little turtle showed up:

I was trying to get a picture of the boat above and below the water but I kept getting splashed. I think it’s a neat picture anyway:

Anchored just off this wonderful beach. The anchor is in 10 feet of water, the stern is in 40 feet:

Thought I would free dive for some lobster:

Too deep for me:

Klein Curacao, we will go exploring today or tomorrow:

Update again soon!

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Alternatives and Necessities

So what does one do in Bonaire when one can not go in the water?

…sew of course…what else? As you may remember Finger Story I had my right index finger violently torn off while manually dialing a number on my cell phone (kidding), remember speed-dial only kids! Anyway, I cut my finger and couldn’t go swimming for 10 days so I started my five year old sewing projects!

Sewing in the saloon is a challenge:

I started the cockpit enclosure…really could have used this in the eastern Caribbean. Template material. No matter how hard I tried I could not get this side panel to smooth out, too many intersects and cut outs I think. Too much “stuff” goin’ on!

The second panel came out well:

Corner panel template:

Fitting before final touches:

Finished. Came out well:

Port side, corner and rear panels done. I had to order more materials to finish the rest. I’ll finish the remaining panels by the time we get to Panama. So far about 75 hours of sewing and a whole bunch of ibuprofen:

In addition to the panel materials I ordered closed cell foam and sunbrella for new cockpit seat cushions. Yay more work!

The seat cushions that came with the boat are vinyl (sweat) and are not waterproof. These cushions are waterproof foam covered in durable fabric. About four hours cutting and sewing:

And five years later, jerry jug covers DONE!

Of course this wouldn’t be paradise without a leaky saloon hatch!

After cleaning and generous application of sealant, the hatch is back in and dry!

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Snorkeling Bonaire

Additional pics from our time in Bonaire…

Click on the pictures for larger view

While we had the rental car we drove up the west side of Bonaire to a site called 1000 steps (it’s really about 80 steps) for a snorkel. This is a really popular dive site and I love to dive, but you wouldn’t catch me hauling my gear up and down those steps! We heard it was a really great site but you be the judge:

…well maybe 100 steps:

Peacock flounder:


…and OMG this guy swam right up to me!

I swear he was making airplane noises when I took this shot:

Up for air:

And then I thought he was going to take off:

…but he (or she) circled around for another pass!

…and then off in search of…

That was one of the better snorkel trips we took!

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