Moving On

We have really enjoyed Bonaire but it’s time to move on. We planned to stay here for two or three weeks and ended up staying for two and half months! 

It’s always tough to leave places like this…

We are leaving for Curacao in the morning, see you in a few days!

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Washington Slagbaai National Park

We had a few days of good weather so rented a truck and visited Bonaire’s Washington Slagbaai National Park.

Washington Slagbaai National Park Video

We rented from a local company called AB Car Rental. If you come to Bonaire we highly recommend AB, and also taking the full coverage insurance for an extra $8 per day. The rental was zero hassle and all I had to sign was a full tank of fuel on return notice.

AB Car Rental

The Wingle:

Great basic truck with ice cold AC. Made in China, Poland, and Iran. Not a Wingle 4, it was a 5!

One lane road, two way traffic:

The water is really beautiful here:

Washington Slagbaai National Park is on the North end of the Island:

Small museum. We were kind of late so we breezed through the museum:

Rugged terrain:

Beautiful beaches:

Unique landscape:

A few weeks ago we rented a car and drove by some landscape that was carved out by the ocean but was thirty feet above sea level. I wasn’t sure how that happened until we visited the park. Bonaire and the surrounding islands were formed (over thousands of years) by plate tectonics. The plates that form the earths crust move, smash together, and in this region, get pushed up to form islands. So over thousands of years the landscape that used to be at sea level is now well above sea level. …or something real close to that. Plates:

Blow hole. The ocean was pretty calm that day so not much action:

Window rock:

Rugged northwest shore:

Active lighthouse:

View inland from the lighthouse:

View up the coast:

We walked in to a fresh water spring/mangrove pool looking for wild life:

mmmmm tasty:

We found life:

He came crashing out of the woods as soon as we arrived:

Then on to the old lighthouse that was built but never used, so it fell into disrepair. They built this lighthouse and then figured out it wasn’t in the right place so they built the big white one in the previous pictures.

There are several snorkel/dive spots in the park. We stopped at a couple spots to snorkel. Trunk fish:

Not sure what kind of fish this is but they must be fed by tourists because they swim right up to you when you get in the water:

School of Surgeon Fish or Blue Tang:


Another snorkel spot. Big rainbow parrot fish:

We had a great day in the park but it was getting late so we headed back to the boat. More of the same scenery on the way out. We took the long route through the park which was about a two and half hour drive, not including stops.

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Happy Birthday!

Happy 50th Birthday to Tanya!

(She said I could say that BTW)

(…and welcome to the club!)

We had a great day, went to the beach, did some snorkeling and went out for dinner.

We took the dinghy to Klein Bonaire about half a mile west of Bonaire. There is a beautiful beach on the north side of Klein and we had it almost all to ourselves:

Klein Bonaire Wiki

Klein Bonaire Tourism

…water on the lens, click for full screen…

…until the tour boat showed up. The beach is long and rarely crowded:

Nobody is feeding these fish! They swim right up to you looking for handouts:

This fish really liked Tanya

After spending the day on Klein Bonaire we went back to the boat, cleaned up and had a drink in the cockpit before dinner. Love the sun screens:

I reserved our favorite table at Karel’s Beach Bar. Our table is right on the edge of the pier and back far enough so we don’t get deep fried from the sun:

Karel’s Beach Bar

She had the seafood kabob, which was huge and awesome:

Happy Birthday!

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The Difference

These pictures were taken today by dive buddy Lise, with a real underwater camera!

Click for full screen.

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Bonaire Montage

I’ve got so far behind with updates I am just going to post pictures from the last few weeks here in Bonaire. The pictures are from whatever we did on certain days, in or out of the water. Click on them for full screen.

Some of this may be a rehash…

That place on the pier with the four peaked awnings, the red roofed bar, and the white building at the left edge of the picture is all Karel’s Beach Bar. Karel’s also serves as the dinghy dock in Kralendijk. The food is excellent and they have a good happy hour too:

Karel’s Beach Bar

That submarine looking boat does tours from Karel’s. The boat doesn’t actually submerge, it’s just a deep draft glass bottom boat. The tours seem to last at least half an hour and I think they start at $17.50. They have longer tours and tours out to Klien Bonaire as well:

Glass Bottom Boat Tours

Royal Caribbean Adventure of the Seas. The very same ship who’s space I had to violate so I could pick up Tanya during my traumatic finger amputation and reattachment, LOL.

The Bonaire Customs and Immigration building just south of the north pier:

…and I guess we’re in the water. French Angel fish. This is not Gaston, he/she is much prettier:

Dan and Jane who were nice enough to let me tag along for about 20 dives! Thanks guys!

Why do I love diving? I don’t know…

A little cloudy that day but still very nice:

A jack that swam right in front of me while I had my camera at the ready:

I thought this looked like coral hugging another piece of coral, or coral PacMan eating a coral dot:

Brewery on the back side of the town square, ehh, it’s ok, the blond beer was tasty:

We found the biker bar. Happy hour doesn’t start until 10pm…shah, we’re in bed way before that!

We went to the Taste of Bonaire, on the first Saturday of every month. They have a different theme each month, this one was re-purposed fashion. Music, lots of food vendors, tons of people, fun!

Taste of Bonaire

Really great crowd:

All these costumes were made from recycled materials:

Back in the water. I dove the Hilma Hooker wreck again. This is called a windlass on our boat, I don’t know what you call it on a ship. This machinery on the bow of the ship is used to raise and lower the anchor:

…bow of the ship:

I went under and around the bow, there were four or five big tarpon hanging out below me:

I know I posted pics from the first dive so skip to the end:

The $50 underwater camera we have does not pick up color as well as others but these tube sponges are a vivid blue:

Rainy day, we rented a car and drove around the island. We thought it was interesting that this wall seemed to have been carved out by the sea, but it’s about 30 feet above…

Rugged shore:

Flamingo, not the plastic breed of flamingo, a real flamingo. There are lots of flamingos here on Bonaire:

Lots of cactus too:

Indian inscriptions.

Indian Inscriptions

I was wondering what they used for ink that lasts this long, red dye #40, or was that the stuff that caused cancer? I don’t know, whatever it was it sure is indelible:

I did a community service dive with about a dozen other divers. You get a free tank of air to go and pick up discarded fishing line below the commercial pier. Light refreshments after. Jane in the middle and Bo, from Amsterdam, on the right:

…air temp, about 90, beer temp, about 36…mmmm:

It was a great dive and we removed “metric tons” of fishing line. Most of these people participated, others sort of crept in after for the food and beer. Vaguely reminds me of the movie wedding crashers, post-dive-refreshment-crashers?

…back in the water. I though this resembled a coral pineapple:

Coral and sponge, the colors are vivid in person:

Four foot long, green moray eel slithering across the bottom:

Not Gaston again:

Tube coral. I thought these might look better being played on the side of an alpine mountain to sell cough drops. RICOLA…anyone?

Coral forest:

Motionless Grouper hiding, 100% obscured, can’t be seen by anyone or anything:

More coral:

Sea Anemone:

Sea Anemone

Looking across the sea floor:

Trumpet fish sticking straight up:

More coral:

These sponges have a neon blue outline when you see them up close:

Barracuda chasing Dan:

Big bowl looking sponge:

Trumpet fish:

Queen Angel fish:

More tube sponge…maybe I could have grouped these together…sorry:

Ooooh this is a good one, the hydraulic manifold fish, or the control cable distribution fish, beautiful:

Trumpet fish:

Those white feathery fish under the coral are Lion fish, an invasive species:

Lion fish

…yes…trumpet fish…

Ooooh another good one, the discarded drum fish, majestic:

Sea Anemone with a neon blue glow:

I was surprised at the lack of fish during this dive:

I was trying to take a picture of the anemone in the background and this fish kept photo bombing the shot:

Finally got it:

Small wreck just outside of the marina in about 40 feet of water. Not much left but still attracts lots of fish:


Wreck Our Confidence

Our second Taste of Bonaire, lots of music and dancing this time:

Bonaire Day, which atracted lots of motorcycles from all over the world. Lining the street:

This little place is right across the street from our mooring, cheep and cold beer:

DBD, dive buddy Dan:

View from the Diver’s Diner downtown:

We had dinner at Karel’s more than once, it’s sooo good:

Sun setting behind Klein Bonaire:


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