
Visit Montserrat

Montserrat Volcano Observatory



Former capital city of Montserrat

We arrived in Montserrat from Nevis and anchored in Little Bay.

1 Montserrat (1024x768)

Nice waterfront in Little Bay. This is the new capital of Montserrat, the previous being destroyed by volcanic eruption in 2010:

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Completed the formalities:

1aaa check in with customs (1024x768)

On our way up to the tourist office we walked by the museum but it’s only open in the morning, two days a week so we missed it.

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Little Bay, Dea Latis on the left:

1c little Bay (1024x768)

Carr’s Bay right next door:

1d Carrs Bay (1024x768)

1e looking at Little Bay from Carrs Bay (1024x768)

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We got a great map from the tourist office and caught the bus south stopping at places along the way.

1g Hilltop Coffe House (1024x768)

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We ate chicken rotis here, awesome:

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We met the owner of the Hilltop Coffee House and arranged a tour of the island for the next day. We caught the bus back to little bay, dinghied around the corner to this beautiful beach, and enjoyed a wonderful sunset.

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1l Randezvous Bay beach (1024x768)

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We arranged a tour of the island with Sonny Lea of Island Tours . He took us all around the habitable parts of the island, our first stop is an old sugar mill. Most of the machinery and equipment is still intact, a rare find. A lady from the UK restored this mill and has a small apartment on the property next to the boiling pots:

1 Montserrat sugar mill (1024x768)

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Boiling pots:

1g boiling pots (1024x768)

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East coast of the island:

1j east coast (1024x768)

A government built community housing some of the citizens that were displaced by the volcanic eruptions. Two thirds of the island is now uninhabitable:

1k govt housing (1024x768)

The new airport, the old one having been wiped out:

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That land in the distance was created by the pyroclastic flow from the volcano:

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The original airport is under that flow down there:

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Terrible day for a tour. The volcano is in those clouds:

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Then on to the government area:

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Her Majesties Prison. Monterrat is a UK territory. There are eleven guests:

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Nice view from the government area down to Carr and Little Bay. Dea Latis down there somewhere:


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Helo pad and cloud covered volcano is the distance

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1w helicopter pad and cloud covered volcano in distance (1024x768)

After a quick tour of the MVO and a short movie Sonny took us as close as you’re allowed to the destroyed cities in the south. The previous capitol, Plymouth, is actually gone but there is a town just to the east that has some buildings standing.

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This is from a road in an abandoned town looking east. The former capitol, Plymouth, is buried under a pyroclastic flow just on the other side of that tree line. The buildings in the distance are from a town just to the east of Plymouth.

2 looking into zone V Plymouth (1024x768)

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Then onto The Montserrat Springs Hotel just west of Plymouth:

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Huge swimming pool, I’ll bet it was nice:

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Front desk:

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Rooms, ash half way up the door:

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All the towns in the southern two thirds of the island are abandoned. From the hotel he took us through another town stopping at this church, which has not been used since 1997:

3p church (1024x768)

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I took a quick run through the house next door:

4 house next to church (1024x768)

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Then on to Air Studios. Created by the late Sir George Martin, some of the biggest names in music recorded their songs here. The short list: The Beatles, Dire Straits, The Police, Elton John, Michael Jackson, Stevie Wonder, Black Sabbath, The Rolling Stones.

Air Studios

Article with video

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Into the recording studio. The control room. It was quite a feeling just standing in the same room where so much music history was made.

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The recording studio:

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Then I took a quick look upstairs in the living quarters. The building is getting quite damaged from water and the floors upstairs were starting to fall through so I just snapped a few pictures and left:

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Then our tour took us through a few more communities, mostly very wealthy expats with huge homes on the ocean. Then past Olveston House, owned by late Sir George Martin:

Sir George Martin Wiki Page

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Which of course sits on:

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We both loved Montserrat so we had no problem drinking from this stream:

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Then back to Little Bay for a couple of beers before heading back to the boat:

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Montserrat was amazing and we hope to return someday!

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Barbuda 3


Click on the pictures for a full size view.

After eight years…fixed the compass light! I have been working on the bright work (wood) also, it’s amazing. Pics of the bright work to follow.

1 compass (1024x768)

This is our beach at Cocoa Point. We met some nice people from Austria in that dark hulled boat:

1a cocoa point (1024x768)

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She looks nice in that water:

1d Dea Latis (1024x768)

This is a resort called the K Club, it’s been closed for years. The resort spans at least a mile of the beach. Such a shame to see that beautiful place fall to ruins:

1e k club (1024x768)

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1l beach K club (1024x768)

This is Coco Point Lodge just south of K Club, and it’s open!

Coco Point Lodge

1m coco point resort (1024x768)

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We bounced around the west side of Barbuda, this is further north at Coconut Point. There is nothing there except beautiful beach, turquoise water, lots of turtles, and surprisingly nice reefs. Our new beach in the distance:

2 coconut point (1024x768)

Beautiful sunsets, even a green flash or two!

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And of course, happy hour on the beach:

2b happy hour (1024x768)


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Yes, conch! It’s been soooooo long since we have had conch! Tourists can not take conch or lobster here but I asked some fishermen if they would sell some! Lobster was too expensive but the conch was reasonable, probably because I had to clean it! Oh it was soooooo delicious. Again:

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Oh and did I mention big starfish (just to look at, not eat):

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We loved Barbuda but we were running out of food so we had to head back to Antigua, which is where we are now. We are fueled (diesel is #$%@ing expensive), provisioned and back at anchor. We will probably bounce around Antigua for another week or two before starting our slow journey south.

…I missed an update from Montserrat so I will get to that soon…

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Barbuda 2

We have been having a great time in Barbuda. We were searching for Bahamas like beauty and tranquility and we found it. We were the only boat here for a few hours then four French boats showed up. With eleven miles of beach everyone pretty much staked their claim.

1 Barbuda Low Bay (1024x768)

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Dea Latis anchored in front of our private beach:

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The sand is pink, I’m telling you:

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Happy hour on the beach:

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2 Barbuda beach (1024x768)

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We have been in the water two and three times a day swimming and snorkeling the reefs. The reefs are surprisingly alive, the water is amazing and it’s 84 degrees. We are going to spend a week or two on Barbuda before heading back to Antigua and our eventual trek south.

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We had a magnificent sail from Antigua to Barbuda under full canvas!! With the winds 15 to 18 knots we sailed 6.5 to 7.5 knots the entire way!

1 sail to Barbuda (1024x768)

There is a beach on the west side of the island that is about 11 miles long. This is the only hotel on the entire beach and we sailed right by it:

1a past the only hotel on 11 miles of beach (1024x768)

The water is beautiful and so is the beach:

1b water is beautiful (1024x768)

1c anchored Low Bay Barbuda (1024x768)

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The sand has tiny specks of pink, trust me it’s there:

1f pink sand (1024x768)

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Dea Latis:

1i Dea Latis (1024x768)


1j neighbors (1024x768)

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Antigua 2

After enjoying Five Island and Pinching Bay for a few days we pulled up anchor and headed north, under full canvas! With light winds out of the east we sailed a few miles to Deep Bay, our staging point for the trip to Barbuda.

It’s exhilarating to have all the sails flying!

1 Full canvas (768x1024)

The island of Monsterrat in the distance, Volcano spewing steam into the sky:

1a Montserrat (1024x768)

1aa Monserrat (1024x768)

Passing our private beach at Pinching Bay:

1b Pinching Bay (1024x768)

Approaching Hawksbill rock, in front of Hawksbill Resort. We stayed at this resort 12 years ago

1bb hawksbill (1024x768)

Eden beach:

1c eden beach (1024x768)

Hawksbill Resort. The picture is terrible, the place is really nice, four beaches, all inclusive, and cheap:

1d Hawksbill Resort (1024x768)

A beautiful view from Deep Bay Antigua:

1e Deep Bay (1024x768)

Sunset and the island of Nevis:

1f Sunset and Island of Nevis (1024x768)

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The next day we got up to find out what new paradise we were in. Welcome, Dea Latis to the right:

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Antigua is littered with beautiful beaches, almost as nice as the Bahamas:

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We decided to hike to the fortification on top of the hill. Better view of the beach:

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Dea Latis on the right:

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The fortification. Not sure what it was for but maybe a signal station or lookout? It’s not very big and there did not seem to be any gun placements.

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And this is exactly what Antigua needs, right on this unspoiled public beach:

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We walked down to the south end of the beach to look at the failed 280 room hotel with this beach bar:

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Then into the dinghy to check out this fishing boat that was converted into a mega-yacht, The Pink Shrimp

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And back to the boat for some of the best sushi we have made:

2ff sushi (1024x768)

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Deep Bay was wonderful but we found some favorable winds for the jump to Barbuda, so off we went and here we are…

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