
We have been enjoying Antigua for the past two and a half weeks! Initially we anchored on the west coast in Jolly Harbour, checked in, reprovisioned and left the next day. A quick three mile trip north put us in Five Island Harbour, a nice place but we moved on after a couple of days. While anchored in Five Island Bay we took the dinghy north around the corner to Pinching Bay and found a wonderful beach, and we had it all to ourselves.

Anchored behind Maiden Island, Five Island Bay:

1 Dealatis Antigua Five Island Harbour (1024x768)

Beautiful Pinching Bay:

1a Pinching Bay (1024x768)

1b Pinching Bay (1024x768)

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At the south end of the beach there is a lagoon of crystal clear waist deep water:

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We noticed a sugar mill ruin in the distance so after a nice swim we found a trail heading in that direction. Aloe plant?

1e (1024x768)

After a ten minute walk we found it. The walls were about five feet thick at the base:

2 sugar mill (768x1024)

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Bees, honey comb:

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View from the mill ruins over to Maiden Island, Dea Latis on the right:

2j (1024x768)

More to follow!

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We have been having a fantastic time in Montserrat for the past few days. The weather has been overcast and gloomy but we have managed to get quite a few good pictures of our island tour. We are departing for Antigua in the morning and will post our pictures of Montserrat when we are able.

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Nevis 5 Montravers Estate Ruins

Montravers Estate Ruins, Nevis.

While on Nevis we took a nice walk directly up from Pinney’s beach to the Montravers Estate Ruins. Very interesting. Although the estate changed hands a few times, it produced sugar and rum for 300 years.

Click on the pictures for a larger view.

1 M estate (1024x768)

Just a few hundred feet up the hill we found this building:

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This Baobob tree was huge:

1j baobob tree (768x1024)

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Then off for about a mile up the trail to the great house and camel stable:

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Old gate pillar:

1q gate to Montravers estate Nevis (1024x768)

View from the estate. Dea Latis down there somewhere:

1r view (1024x768)

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Restored camel stable:

1u Camel Stable (1024x768)

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View up to the great house:

1x (1024x768)

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Old boiling pot:

1yy (1024x768)

Mirrlees and Tait made sugar processing machinery and later power generating equipment:

1z Mirrlees and Tait Glasgow (1024x768)

Kitchen to the great house:

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Great house:

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On the way back down we saw three monkeys just off the side of the road, they’re in there somewhere:

2z monkeys (1024x768)

And back to the boat where we were descended upon by a flock of small birds, just for the night:

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That’s it for Nevis!

We are in Montserrat right now heading for Antigua in a few days.

Categories: Cruising, Destinations | Tags: , | 2 Comments

Nevis 4 Plantation Tour

Golden Rock Plantation

We took a bus across the island to Golden Rock Plantation Inn. The grounds and the views were beautiful. After walking around we had a great lunch and caught the bus back to Charlestown.

Click on the pictures for a larger view.

1 Golden Rock Nevis (1024x768)

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Another great day on Nevis! We have one more update from Nevis but we will have to put that up later. We are departing for Montserrat in a few hours. Update again soon!

Categories: Cruising, Destinations | Tags: , | 1 Comment

Nevis 3

Nevis heritage tour

We have had a great time on Nevis. There is so much to do here and most of it is within walking distance or a short bus ride away.

We got a Nevis heritage map from the tourist office and walked to a few of the sights around Charlestown. We walked up the waterfront to the Nevis Museum. No pictures allowed inside:

1 Nevis waterfront walking to museum






Then south to Fort Charles. We met up with this herd of goats on the way down and back to town:




The fort is pretty interesting. It’s a shame it is not preserved:

















Anchorage at Charleston:

2 anchorage

This monkey let us take his picture on the way out:

2a monkey




Former government house, now crumbling:

2e govt house

Bath Hotel just down the road which is the new government office building:

2f bath hotel govt office

Hot springs:



After walking around the town for most of the day we headed back to the boat, got cleaned up and hit Sunshine’s on the beach. We had delicious conch fritter, a few beers, and watched the sun set before heading back to the boat. Very nice day!







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