We finally departed Sint Maarten for Saba. We had a fantastic sail, breaking eight knots at one point! We spent three days on Saba and had a fantastic time. We were able to quickly tour the island, climb Mt Scenery, snorkel the crystal clear waters, and even get some boat chores completed!
Click on the pictures for a full screen view.
Departing Simpson Bay Lagoon we were followed by this 143 foot sailboat. The little catamaran behind it is 33 feet long:

Passing the Simpson Bay Bridge for the last time…probably…

Saba in the distance. What a great sail!!!

We picked up a mooring in Wells Bay:

This is just down the coast. If you look closely you should be able to make out the stairs which start at the shore and lead up the rock face to the little building at the top. At one time this was the only way on or off the island. The building at the top was the customs building:

We took the dinghy down around to the harbor at Fort Bay to check in:

Wednesday, supply boat day:

Customs, immigration and harbor office:

Then up to the marine park office, to part with more money:

West end of the harbor:

Saba is very small. We wanted to see the island and hike Mt Scenery in a day so we hired a taxi, it was actually pretty cheap. Tried to take a picture of the steep windy roads:


The island of St Eustatius in the distance:

Roads are in very good condition:

Church, and our taxi:

Mt Scenery trail head in the town of Windwardside:

Ok, here we go:

Are we lost?

Mooo, ahem, I mean, Fooooood:

On on:

Are we there yet?



Up Up:

Finally, one hour and twenty five minutes later:

We made it!

Comm tower:

Guard rooster:


Very nice view when the clouds broke:

And then back down:

The town of Windwardside. Our taxi driver Rodney and his wife own the Bizzy B Bakery under the orange awning:

Nice church:

We bought some fresh food at the Big Rock Grocery and had a great lunch across the street at Saba Snack:

Then Rodney drove us back to Fort Bay. Power plant and waterfront business area:

Dinghy ride back to the boat:

The next day we did some laundry, worked on the varnish and did some snorkeling:

Beautiful sunsets here!

We had a wonderful time on Saba! The people are friendly, the scenery is breathtaking, and the water is crystal clear. One of our favorite stops so far!