Sint Maarten

We are still in St Maarten, waiting on weather. We could be stuck in worse places! There is plenty to do here and one of the bigger events, The Heineken Regatta, just finished up. We had a great time!

The last night was award night of course. We parked the dinghy and walked down to the stage:1 Walk to award night (1024x768)

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Still early so we walked around a bit:

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Beautiful sunset, Simpson Bay:

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The crowd swelled:

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The announcers came out and started the show. They announced each class of boat and the winners:

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There were teams from 32 countries. I’m not sure which country this team was from but they were pretty happy:

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The awards went on for quite a while:

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And the big winner:

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And then the Capt Morgan girls came out and started throwing hats into the crowd:

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You can’t go “full” if you don’t have a hat:

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And the CM booth was selling drinks as big as my forearm for $10:

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With the awards distributed a new announcer came out, “give it up for the Heineken girls”, W000!2c (1024x768)

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Big crowd:

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Then we played “simon sez” with the DJ for a while. Music was good anyway:

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Then after a really late but awesome dinner, we took our flashing green Heineken wrist bands, our other trinkets, and of course “the hat”, back to the boat…2g (768x1024)

Categories: Cruising, Destinations | Tags: , , | 1 Comment

I’m Feeling…

Today I’m feeling a little like…





…anyone? Sally O’Malley…SNL?

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Sometime during our trip to Florida our website changed and the pictures were no longer able to be viewed full screen. Long boooooring story short, I installed a new viewer and fixed 90% of the pictures so they can be viewed full screen. Just click on the pictures and they should open up…it’s also optimized for mobile devices. Such fun.

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Where Are We?

I don’t know why I get such a kick out of this…

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The Quill

While in Statia, Tanya and I hiked “the quill” which is the crater of the volcano.

1 The Quill (1024x768)

1a finally found the trail head (1024x768)

Didn’t see any of these:

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Lots of information along the way:

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Halfway there:

1d halfway there (1024x768)

So glad they had benches at the halfway point:

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We found lots of these blue clawed hermit crabs:

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Dea Latis out there somewhere:

1h Oranjestad Statia (1024x768)

We made it:

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The crater:

2 crater (1024x768)

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We had not been hiking for some time so we were a little tired by the time we reached the top. Next time we will hike down into the crater!

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