
We attended the hash on Saturday and it was probably one of the best we’ve been on!

We were able to reconnect with Vicky and Ken, from Painkiller, always great to see them!

1 Hash Vicky and Ken (1280x720)

Hash mistress “commando” addressing the herd:

1a Hash mistress (1280x720)

Part of the herd:

1b hashers (1280x720)

1c (1280x720)

And we’re off:

1d were off (1280x720)

1e (1280x720)

1f (1280x720)


1g cocoa (1280x720)

Up the hill…Grenada is very mountainous!

1h (1280x720)

Beautiful view:

1i beautiful view (1280x720)


1j bananas (720x1280)

On the down side, I’ll just swing down on this vine:

1k swing on vine (1280x720)

…uh maybe not:

1l (1280x720)

1m (1280x720)

Ken and Vicky at the end:

1n Ken Vicky end of hash (1280x720)

Hash mistress addressing the first timers:

1o Hash mistress addresses first timers (1280x720)

1p (1280x720)

Bring it in for a photo:

1q bring it in for a picture (1280x720)

…and the christening:

1r christening (1280x720)

1s (1280x720)

1t (1280x720)

1u (1280x720)

The rules are pretty simple, respect other peoples property. Inevitably someone breaks the rules and must be punished. Court is in session:

2 punished for breaking the rules (1280x720)

2a (720x1280)

2b (1280x720)

I’m not sure what this guy did but he had to pick up this beer and drink it, no hands and can’t bend your knees. Huge Scandinavian guy, probably in his 60s, didn’t even phase him! I love my camera…

2d (720x1280)

2g (720x1280)

2k (1280x720)

Well we don’t just live a life of leasure…really…we don’t. We have been in Grenada for a week battling one boat issue after another. We really want to get North but have maintenance issues to address. I’m a mechanic and I have given up on our outboard motor, we turned it over to an outboard mechanic today. I don’t have any faith he will fix it but we have to give it a try before buying a new motor.

3 outboard (720x1280)

The #2 membrane in our water maker has failed. We can still make water but I have had to isolate that membrane, so now we are down to 30 gallons per hour. That fix will have to wait until we get to St Martin.

3a watermaker (720x1280)

3b (720x1280)

There are lots of other issues we are working on and as soon as we get a handle on things we will move North. Until then…we’re going to half price pizza night at Prickly Bay Marina…what else can you do?

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Great Thanksgiving

We had a great Thanksgiving, and we hope you did too!

We kept it simple, turkey, mashed potato, stuffing and gravy. Ohhh it was so good:

1 Thanksgiving (1280x720)

1a (720x1280)

Pumpkin spice pie:

1b (1280x720)

Then an afternoon dip:

1bb (1280x720)

1bbb (720x1280)

And just our luck, not joking here, the Champagne delivery guy showed up:

1c (720x1280)

Categories: Cruising, General | Tags: , | 1 Comment

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving from Grenada!

We’re getting ready:


It’s worth it:


Categories: General | 1 Comment

Back in Grenada!

We made it back to Grenada! We were able to sail the entire trip from Trinidad to Grenada. We’re anchored again in a very empty Mt Hartman Bay and it’s great to be back.

We had a relatively uneventful time in Trinidad. We hauled out, painted the bottom of the boat, addressed a few maintenance issues, launched, spent a few days on the dock, and dock time was gratis!

While in Trinidad we were able to “catch” the Rays. They just flew in for season two aboard their catamaran Catchin’ Rays! We had a great time with them and hope to meet up again soon. Brandon and Kevin cleaning up the boat:

1 catchin Rays (1280x720)

1a (1280x720)

Dea Latis loaded to the water line with everything, especially the $1 a gallon diesel fuel. It was so nice to show up in Grenada with full fuel tanks!!

2 Dealatis loaded (1280x720)

We arrived in Grenada yesterday, checked in with customs and immigration this morning, took a bus to St Georges, went to the bank, did some shopping, ate lunch, bus back, stop at the IGA for a few groceries, walked back to the boat, changed the engine oil, gearbox oil, transmission fluid, defrosted the freezer, went swimming (second time), updated this blog, and now it’s time for a well-earned beer!

There are TWO cruise ships in St Georges right now! So many tourists!

2a cruise ship Grenada (1280x720)

Fell into Deyna’s across from the bus depot downtown!

2b Deyna's (1280x720)

Chicken or pork with peas and rice, mac and cheese, plantains, breadfruit, callaloo, salad, and two drinks…for about $15! Oh so delicious!!!

2c (720x1280)

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Back In!

We are back in the water and eager to move on!

Coming to get us:

1 coming to get us (1280x720)

Pulling us out and into position for the travel lift:

1a (1280x720)

1b (1280x720)

1c to the travel lift (1280x720)




Weight on:


A little paint on the bare spots:

1i painting the bare spots

Lets go:

1h in the slings



Back on the dock for a few days while we get things back in order:

2 back on the dock




Depending on weather we plan to depart Trinidad Friday.

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