Yard Work

As mentioned previously, it had been almost two years since our last haul-out. In addition to needing paint, our zincs needed to be replaced.

Actually, for 23 months in the water this zinc is not bad:

1 Prop (1280x720)

Nice new prop zinc:

1a Prop new zinc (1280x720)

The shaft zinc was still 50 percent:

1b shaft (1280x720)

We installed a much larger shaft zinc:

1c (1280x720)

Greased the propeller:

1cc grease prop (1280x720)

…and sanded the bottom. As far as nasty jobs go, this really wasn’t too bad. The paint was pretty thin:

1ccc bottom sanded (1280x720)

Bottom done. Two coats of paint all around and four coats on the leading edges::

1d painted (1280x720)

1dd (1280x720)

1e (1280x720)

1ee (1280x720)

1f (1280x720)

The paint is new to us but very highly regarded. Everyone we’ve talked with has experienced excellent performance with this brand. I think it’s mainly used on commercial ships. Jotun Seaforce 90, we’ll see how it works for us…

1ff done (1280x720)

Then we broke out the Awlgrip and touched up the anchor scars:

1g anchor scars (720x1280)

1gg (720x1280)

In the past we marked the anchor chain every ten feet with paint, but it wears off quickly. Tanya found these cool rubber markers at Budget Marine, that appear to be a much better solution:

1h chain markers (1280x720)

Back in the British Virgin Islands our anchor swivel broke…while we were anchored in 15 feet of water on a sandy bottom…and not much wind blowing. We almost lost our anchor, or worse had we not been on the boat at the time. Anyway, I like having a swivel because without one, the chain gets all wound up and kinked. We found a swivel that I think will work better than the last. This swivel is a different design and about three times over-sized:

1hh swivel (1280x720)

1hhh swivel (720x1280)

1i swivel (720x1280)

And after several long days working in the hot sun and oppressive humidity, we treated ourselves at Zanzibar’s by the sea:

1j treat (1280x720)

Chaguaramas has several boat yards that cater to recreational boaters like us but it is mainly a commercial port. These are some random pics of the business side of Chaguaramas.

2a (1280x720)

2b (1280x720)

2c (1280x720)

2d (1280x720)

2e (1280x720)

2f (1280x720)

Dry dock right next to the yard we are in:

2 drydock (1280x720)

Another larger dry dock at the far end of the port:

2g (1280x720)

That’s it for now. This haul out, in spite of setbacks, has gone really well. We are actually ahead of the game. It’s Sunday, I have to do a little sewing on our head sail, then we’re going to clean up the boat and go play dominoes at another marina. We are launching tomorrow at 1:00pm and then we are going to sit on the dock for a few days planning our next leg!

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Haul Out

For those of you unfamiliar with a haul-out…

It had been almost two years since out last haul out. During my monthly inspections I noticed the bottom paint was getting pretty thin, so we decided to haul out and give Dea Latis a proper bottom job. We emailed several boat yards and decided to haul out at Peake Yacht Services in Trinidad. We have been exceedingly happy with their professionalism and attention to detail, it’s at a level we have never experienced before.

They were on time, 8:00am, ready to receive us. Their travel lift is huge, 150 tons:

1 haul out (1280x720)

Peake Yacht Services is a class act, they put a diver in the water to set the straps:

1a diver (1280x720)

Their massive travel lift straining to lift us out. They weighed us at 13 tons, the boat is 11 tons, so that means we have two tons of crap on board:

1aa straps set (1280x720)

1aaa lift (720x1280)

1b (1280x720)

1c (1280x720)

They did an excellent job pressure washing the bottom:

1cc pressure wash (1280x720)

1ccc (720x1280)

1cccc (1280x720)

All clean, waiting to be transferred to a trailer so they can shoe horn us into a spot in the yard:

1d all clean (1280x720)

1dd xfer to trailer (1280x720)

Once in the trailer they took the time to pressure wash the areas under the lifting straps:

1ddd second wash (1280x720)

Then out into the yard:

1e parking (1280x720)

1ee parking (1280x720)

Once in a good spot they put up the stands and block the keel:

1f blocking (1280x720)

Parked, ladder up, and ready for us to go to work:

2 ready and waiting (1280x720)

That’s it! I don’t mind watching the evolution, if they drop the boat I get a new one. We have agreed value insurance with zero deductible for a total loss! Tanya, on the other hand, sat under a tree and read her Kindle!

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And It…



And it begins.

Bottom of the boat is sanded. Going to tape and, if it will stop raining, paint!

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Quick update with some pics from Trinidad.

We sailed up the East coast of Trinidad and ran out of wind at the Northeast tip of the island. We fired up the engine and motored the last few miles along the North Coast. Looks alot like The Dominican Republic:

1 North coast Trinidad (1280x720)

1a (1280x720)

We anchored out, checked in with customs and immigration, and after a few days moved to Peake’s Yacht Services:

1b (1280x720)

1c Peake (1280x720)

Yup, med moored for the first time! Dea Latis stern-to at Peake’s. For those that are unfamiliar, Med(iterranean) mooring is picking up a mooring from your bow and backing up to secure the stern to the dock, and it’s close to impossible with our boat. We were very lucky, the wind was light, and there were several people standing by to help. Everything worked out very well!

1d (1280x720)

1e (1280x720)

That’s it for now. Hauling out tomorrow. Pics to follow…

Categories: Cruising, Destinations, Happenings | Tags: , | 1 Comment

The Last

Last of the Suriname pictures…

The Suriname River, North of Paramaribo, is quite peaceful most of the time. Once in a while there is some pretty big traffic, and when they are going fast they put out quite a wake. River traffic:

1 river traffic (1280x720)

1a (1280x720)

Dirt barges run around the clock, taking dirt from inland and bringing it out to the coast for construction projects:

1aa (1280x720)

We rented a car again and went driving around looking for a nature trail I read about. We found it, it had been closed since 2014. Evidently nobody kept it up, it is overgrown and the walking bridges are not safe anymore.

1aa nature trail (1280x720)

1b nature trail (1280x720)

The trial was partially funded by Alcoa Aluminum. This is the aluminum plant, which is shutting down and will be sold to the government in November.

1c Alcoa (1280x720)

So with no trail to walk we drove around the countryside for a while just looking around. Then we came back to this Cafeteria across from Alcoa:

1d cafeteria (1280x720)

We were really looking forward to the Pitjel (having fun with Dutch) but they were out so we just got the Kip Sate, and it was delicious!

1e (1280x720)

On the way home we stopped at Rene’s for a haircut. He was awesome, three generations of barbers cut hair in this shop. That’s Rene inside, older man, perfect hair, very well dressed and a master with scissors:

1f (1280x720)

This is another restaurant we frequented right around the corner from Domburg Resort. The food was better for half the price. Mit Shiv:

1g Mit Shiv (1280x720)

1h Mit Shiv (1280x720)

We also found this chandlery half way to Paramaribo. Third generation family operation. They started out in shipping and eventually had eight ships. Commercial ships are required to be properly maintained so the father would keep large amounts of spare parts on his ships. So many people came to him looking for spares he decided to capitalize on it and opened this store. Very nice family, we spent quite a bit of time in there just talking with them:

1i Chandlery (1280x720)

Then we dropped almost three thousand dollars (Suriname) on five gallons of Jotun bottom paint. Good price but still…ouch:

1l (1280x720)

The Vijftig Dollar just doesn’t go as far as it used to:

1k (1280x720)

We stopped by the Peperpot Nature Reserve. This used to be a plantation hundreds of years ago, now it’s a nature park with trails through the jungle.

20151029_110442 (1280x720)

20151029_110707 (1280x720)

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20151029_110753 (1280x720)

We were going to climb this tree but it was getting kind of hot out so we took a pass:

20151029_111301 (720x1280)

20151029_111604 (720x1280)

20151029_112818 (1280x720)

Another dinghy ride up the river. We came across these two ships which had been there for some time:

2 abandoned ships (1280x720)

2a (1280x720)

2aa (1280x720)

2b (1280x720)

2c (1280x720)

Another resort:

3 resort Suriname (1280x720)

…with Piranha fence:

3a (1280x720)

and we found these delicious fruit that resemble a grapefruit only four times larger:

3b fruit (1280x720)

They’re milder tasting than grapefruit, very juicy and sooooo goood:

3c (1280x720)

Full moon over the Suriname River:

3d full moon Suriname (1280x720)

And that’s it for Suriname. As mentioned previously, we’re in Chaguaramas Trinidad now. This is a working port for us. We are hauling out tomorrow at Peake’s Yacht Services, and will be on the hard for about seven to ten days while we paint the bottom and fix up a few things.

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