
I’m behind again.

You know you have been in one country too long when…your flag is shredded.


Since we had no replacement flag we decided to head to the Turks and Caicos, and upon arrival realized we never bought a TCI flag. Oh well, I don’t think they even noticed. All they wanted was their money for checking in, and of course checking out. TCI was expensive and the anchorage is far from anything so we didn’t really take any “pretty” pictures. You can’t even fish there unless you buy a license for $300. TCI was more of a stop-over than a destination. In fact, when or if we ever pass through there again we will keep our Q flag up and not bother checking in. If you’re in a resort I am sure it’s very enjoyable there but from the outside it will get a “pass” from us.

Another long overnighter so we keep food and drinks in the cockpit. You don’t want to be down below in rough seas. Dinner, chili and cornbread, the rest are snacks including a fresh loaf of banana bread:


Along the way I hooked a blue marlin. We seem to be practicing “catch-and-release” but Tanya was able to snap a couple of pictures before he shook himself loose at the side of the boat:

1c marlin

1d marlin2

We arrived west of Providenciales and motored ten miles east through the Sandbore Channel anchoring here in Sapodilla Bay:

1e Sapodilla Bay TCI

Sunset and squall Sapodilla Bay TCI:

1f Sapodilla Bay TCI

Nice boat just southeast of the anchorage:

1h wreck

1g wreck

I took the dinghy around the point to the commercial port to check in. Landed on the beach next to this lovely fishing vessel. We have never seen so many wrecked ships as we did in the Turks and Caicos, probable nine or ten within a mile of the port.

1i beach customs TCI

Up to the port authority:

1j customs port authority tci

TCI immigration apprehended this Haitian boat the previous night:

1k haitian boat

1l haitian boat

They take the Haitians into custody and stack the boats on the shore:

1m haitian boats

This is a pretty boat, about four million dollars they told us, sitting in the Southside Marina:

2 yacht

Propeller and shaft from pretty boat:

2a yacht prop

See the zinc in the center? Almost new right? This boat was on its maiden delivery voyage. The owner, who was onboard at the time of the mishap, hired a captain to safely deliver his brand new boat. The captain plowed the boat onto a reef ripping the props, shafts and transmissions away from the engines and through the bottom of the hull. The boat sank, a salvage company floated it, a yard sealed the holes in the hull and now it sits in this marina waiting for…? He told us the waverunner on the top deck has zero hours, never been launched.

2b yacht prop

2c yacht

Again, didn’t do much in the TCI…

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Luperon DR

We’re in Luperon! Great crossing! Having a great pizza and a few huge “Presidentes” at Wendy’s. This place is so cool! We’ll update when we get settled.

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Conversations From A Late Night Change Of Watch

Changing watch in the middle of the night during our 28-hour passage. It’s pitch black, no moon. I’m on watch, Tanya comes up to relieve me:

“There are four sailboats behind us, a powerboat in front, a cargo ship just passed us to port, and a 600 foot container ship directly off the bow five miles out closing at 17 knots on a collision course. You got this?”


“Ok, I’m going to sleep.”

Not joking, just another night at sea.

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We’ve Left The Bahamas

After a 28-hour sail from San Salvador to Mayaguana, we dropped the anchor in Abraham Bay. We actually sailed under full canvas for over 24 hours on the same tack, unbelievable!!! After arriving in Mayaguana, we ate dinner, slept for about four hours then pulled up anchor and left the Bahamas around midnight bound for the Turks and Caicos Islands. After 12 hours sailing, again under full canvas, we dropped the hook in Sapodilla Bay, Turks and Caicos. What a great sail!!!

We are going to check out from TCI tomorrow afternoon and depart for the Dominican Republic the following morning. It will take us two days to get to the staging point for the DR and another 16 hour sail from there to Luperon. You may not hear from us for several days but you can track our progress by clicking on the Position Report Tab.

We will update once we get settled in The Dominican Republic!

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San Salvador

When we last left off we were in Long Island waiting for weather to cross to Conception. We made it to Conception and had a wonderful few days there. Conception Island is part of the Bahamas National Trust, equal to a national park back home, and it is beautiful. From Conception we motor sailed to the island of San Salvador where we are right now. We have been here for several days running errands and sightseeing. We had to get our visa extended for 30 days, find some fresh food, and then we rented a car to explore the island.

Still trying to get the sushi thing down:

1 sushi

We met a couple from Woolwich who toast coconut, it’s delicious and easy so we are trying it also. Coconuts are scarce because the Bahamians harvest them quickly but I managed to find some back in the northern Exumas. They’re a bear to clean but the machete helps:



Rip the husk off:


Crack it open, harder than it sounds. The meat is so delicious, I eat it right out of the shell:


Shred into a pan with a little nonstick spray, salt and sugar and lightly toast it, it is de-lish. I am going to try different spices in the future, maybe cinnamon or maybe a hot spice or Frank’s Red Hot, because you know, she “puts that @$#% on everything”.


Oh and I turned 49…thousand, the other day. Tanya made me celebrate, it was fun:


Birthday brownies:

2a happybd

Ok, enough of that. We made it from Long Island to Conception and anchored here:



Just off of another breathtaking beach:


With about half a dozen other boats:


We hiked to the other side of the island to another beach:



Someone dragged this line up so you can climb the rock at the end of the beach:



Very nice view to the east:


Down the cliff:


Rappelling back down:



Time to leave Conception for San Salvador. SunRISE:



We hooked up four Mahi Mahi along the way. This one was huge, maybe five feet long. The line broke right as I was trying to gaff him at the side of the boat:


Mahi number two, not so big but still delicious:


Number three also broke the line, this is number four:


“Why are you cutting toward yourself?”


Just the first batch ready for the freezer:


After a long day of motor sailing into rough seas we anchored here:


Just off of Cockburn Town, San Salvador:


The next day we took the dinghy around exploring. This is the government basin:


Huge diesel engine blocks tossed aside:


Club Med dive boats:


Government supply boat:


This boat is about 200ft long. We watched him drive that boat right into the basin, pivot 360 degrees and slide up against that wall like it was nothing, pretty amazing to watch:


Our trip is taking longer than expected due to the weather and our visas were getting ready to expire, so we walked a short distance to the airport to visit the immigration department:

4g queens highway

4h airport

The very helpful immigration officer gave us a 30 day extension so the next day we rented a car to explore the island. And it broke down. They were very quick to help us get back on the road:

4i rental car

We visited the Columbus Monument. I guess THIS was Columbus’ first stop in the the new world, Oct 1492. The island was named Guanahani by the Lucayan Indians, then Chis showed up, claimed the island and renamed it San Salvador:





Then on to Watling’s Castle.

Watling was an 18th century pirate who built a plantation here and renamed the island in honor of himself. It wasn’t until the early 1900s that the island name reverted back to San Salvador. Remains of the plantation:










Then on to the lighthouse, very similar to the one in Hope Town in the Abacos:






Dea Latis anchored Cockburn Town, pronounced Coburn Town:

8 DL anchored

We didn’t take many pictures after the lighthouse because we happened upon a nice restaurant and had one of the best meals we have had in recent memory. Baked chicken, jerked chicken, peas and rice, Bahamian mac and cheese, cole slaw, and cold Kalik Light. The mac and cheese was not as good as Tanya’s sister-in-law’s but it was good! We stuffed ourselves, got some diesel and gas and went back to the boat. We didn’t even eat dinner last night we were so full, ugh!

We are sitting here waiting for weather to head south but we’re legal again so we have time. It looks like we will have a window in about five days, not ideal (light winds) but it will be safe. We hate to motor, it’s noisy and expensive but we have to take what we are given or we will never make it to Grenada.

We will update again soon!

Thanks for the birthday wishes!

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