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So we are in Georgetown Great Exuma right now, anchored off of monument beach. There are 282 boats here in the harbor which is why we are leaving tomorrow! Georgetown is nice and there is every amenity you could need and there is a large cruising community but it’s a bit crowded for us. We provisioned, enjoyed the community, spent money, met up with friends, made new friends, but it’s time to go!
We are the third boat in the row of four starting with the large catamaran:
Looking south in the harbor:
North west:
Celebrating our arrival. Chips, salsa, sour cream, and even broke out the guacamole:
Stopped at Chat N Chill for cheeseburgers and beer:
Had my tank filled at the local dive shop:
Bought a huge carrot that was delicious. This thing was huge, if you swung this around you could hurt someone:
Met up with friends on their brand new 48 foot sailboat. John and Denise are awesome and included us in their superbowl party also!!
They travel with their two dogs Bing and Bella:
And then we found out about this. Why do they make whisky that tastes exactly like my favorite candy? You know those little red fireball candies? Ugh….
Superbowl party, at least ten people so we had to break out the big bag:
Five dinghys tied up:
Great party:
After recovering the next day, we headed to the beach for a hike. The Queen’s dock:
Up the hill:
To the monument overlooking the anchorage:
We are “caught up”. Our plan is to do some last minute shopping today and depart for Long Island tomorrow morning.