Merry Christmas

We are still in the Berry Islands, planning on moving south on the 26th. We have had this beautiful place almost entirely to ourselves for the past week. Tonight there are five boats here, two French, two American, one Canadian.

Pizza night:


Christmas eve sunset:


Wishing everyone a very merry Christmas!!!

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Good Times

We are still in the Berry Islands but we’ll probably start heading south after Christmas. It has been sunny and warm with very light winds. The water is so clear but it’s a bit chilly, around the mid 70s. There’s a front coming through Christmas eve and day so we have staked out our anchorages to hide in. We have only met one other boat in this remote area so I don’t think there will be much competition for anchor space. After the front blows through we will head to New Providence and then on to the northern Exumas. From there we loosely plan to visit Long Island then head to the Jumentos, weather and wind permitting.

Click on the pictures for a better view.

We had another great sail getting here. Had all the sails up:

1 sail

1a sail

Approaching our island:

1b heading to anchorage

New beach:

new beach




Happy hour:


Happy hour around the fire:

2a happy hour on our beach


 2b sunset beach

2c sunset beach

Neighbors for a night, German couple, very nice people:

2d at anchor

Happy hour again:

2e happy hour next night

Never gets old:


The water is so clear. Anchor chain in 10 feet of water:


Our lizard is still here:

8 lizard

There was so much meat we froze half of it:


Mmmmmm dinner:


Our tree is up, lighted and decorated:

3 Christmas tree


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In The Berry Islands

We are in the Berry Islands! We left Bimini yesterday just after lunch and dropped anchor at 8am this morning. We had a fantastic sail for all but a few of the 19 hours it took to get here. There’s just no wiping the smile off your face when the engine is off and you’re sailing at 6kts. What a night, clear star filled sky, moon rose just after midnight, cool but not cold, saw at least half a dozen shooting stars, and no engine! Oh the sunrise, one of the most spectacular I have seen.


Right now we have pretty good cell/data service with our range extender. We are headed to a remote part of these islands and doubt if we will continue to get service so I thought I would put up some more pictures.


In this picture we are in the center of the circle and the vessel passing just behind us is a 700 foot container ship. We passed really close maybe a little too close.


While in Bimini we stayed at Brown’s Marina:






We put our Christmas lights on the boat. Picture is not so good but they look great:



Saturday night at Big John’s:


Water is so clear:


That is about 15 feet deep:


Tanya at the helm, on a beam reach:








We are headed for the northern Berrys in the morning, will update when we can.


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We arrived safely and have checked in. Sorry no pictures. For position report and enter call sign KM4EWY.

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We are all set to leave for Bimini tonight. We will head out south of Key Biscayne and cross the gulf stream overnight.

We have a few pictures to put up before we leave.

This is the best picture we could take of Miami at night:

1 a Miami

We went to dinner at the Boater’s Grill here in No Name Harbor, this was the view at night. We are just to the left in the picture if you can see the boats out there:

1 anchorage from Boaters Grill

A few random pictures of the anchorage:

1a No Name Harbor

1b No Name Harbor

We walked into town to do a little shopping and had a great lunch!

2 Lunch

2b lunch

2a Lunch

Then had happy hour later:

3 Happy Hour

Sometime in there I dove to check the zincs and clean the bottom..

4 getting ready to dive

That’s it for now, lots to do before we leave. Update later from the other side!

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