We are in the Berry Islands! We left Bimini yesterday just after lunch and dropped anchor at 8am this morning. We had a fantastic sail for all but a few of the 19 hours it took to get here. There’s just no wiping the smile off your face when the engine is off and you’re sailing at 6kts. What a night, clear star filled sky, moon rose just after midnight, cool but not cold, saw at least half a dozen shooting stars, and no engine! Oh the sunrise, one of the most spectacular I have seen.
Right now we have pretty good cell/data service with our range extender. We are headed to a remote part of these islands and doubt if we will continue to get service so I thought I would put up some more pictures.
In this picture we are in the center of the circle and the vessel passing just behind us is a 700 foot container ship. We passed really close maybe a little too close.
While in Bimini we stayed at Brown’s Marina:
We put our Christmas lights on the boat. Picture is not so good but they look great:
Saturday night at Big John’s:
Water is so clear:
That is about 15 feet deep:
Tanya at the helm, on a beam reach:
We are headed for the northern Berrys in the morning, will update when we can.