Random Pictures

We have moved from Miami down to Key Biscayne in preparation for crossing to the Bahamas. You can see where we are by clicking on the map tab or go to www.winlink.org and enter call sign KM4EWY.

More pictures…If you click on a picture it should open full size.

We were anchored in Lake Boca Raton in front of a bunch of gorgeous homes. This picture is terrible but the lights on the house were beautiful, trust me. They had Santa and raindeer and all the palms lighted. You can see the deer’s antlers to the left in the picture.

1 Lake Boca Raton

Our new cockpit lights are finally up and they provide a perfect glow for the evening:

1a cockpit lights

Home along the ICW

1b house

 Home with mega yacht

 1c heading south


1d huge house

And another:

1e house

Number four in line for the bridge opening:

1f fourth in line for bridge

Finally open:

1g going through bridge

Bridge to Ft Lauderdale:

2 Bridge to Ft Lauderdale

A little closer:

2a Bridge to Ft Lauderdale

Random buildings along the ICW:

2b ICW

Number three for the next bridge:

2c stacking up at another bridge

Random old boat:

2d random pirate ship

2e random pirate ship

Crossing through Port Everglades was crazy. Ships, yachts, and small traffic like us were everywhere. Nobody was communicating, the water was choppy and the current was strong. We couldn’t take any pictures until we were out of the main port area; it took both of us to stay out of trouble. Ships docked on the south side of Port Everglades:

3 port everglades

3a port everglades

Then of course there was Saloon Le Tub. You know, right?

3b saloon le tub

Random ICW picture:

3c heading to miami

Broad Causeway Bridge. This bridge was damaged a few days earlier when it struck the Rockstar (energy drink) mega yacht.



 3d broad causeway bridge

Fortunately for us, one span was still working:

 3e broad causeway bridge

Then under another bridge with just a few feet of clearance:

3g four feet of clearance

Cruise ships in Miami. They all left later that day:

4 cruise ships

Last bridge into Miami:

4 last bridge to miami

Hard Rock:

4a hard rock

This was our view:

4b View of Miami from cockpit

We started up the watermaker and it is working better than ever. Drinking water must have less than 500 parts per million of “stuff”, ours is 95:

5 making water

Tanya made banana pancakes, mmmm:

5a banana pancakes in miami

The water pump went on the outboard. I had to drop the lower unit to replace the pump:

6a outboard

6b lower unit

It’s done and pumping water like a champ:

6f plenty of water

After fixing the outboard we were able to dinghy over to Whiskey Joe’s for lunch!

7 whiskey joes

…I was there too:

7a whiskey joes

View over to Miami:

7b view from WJs

Sufficiently stuffed on great burgers we head back to the boat:

7c heading back to boat

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We made it to Miami! Oh it’s warm here! It has been a long day, we will update again soon. Everything is going well. We started the water maker and it’s working better than ever, we made 80 gallons today! Lots of people leaving for Bahamas tonight, we’re not. Still don’t like the winds and we have some things to do before we leave.

This is our view. Will try to get another after dark, I’ll bet the lights are spectacular.


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Lake Boca Raton

We had another nice day on the ICW with 20 knots of north wind. We pulled anchor this morning in Lantana and headed south to Lake Boca Raton. There were lots of beautiful homes to look at along the ICW. It was a nice short day. After dropping the hook we checked and cleaned the boat, I changed the transmission fluid and Tanya plotted our course for tomorrow. We are set to depart in the morning…guess I should ask Tanya where we’re going!

Click on the pictures for full size. If it doesn’t work, let me know.

I like this picture, it’s in the marina in Melbourne:

 1 Dealatis day before departure

This is the Pactor modem that enables us to send and receive email via ssb radio:

1b Pactor Modem

Hooked up and waiting to connect:

1c Pactor Modem

Type your email, request weather, or position reporting or whatever, then connect via the laptop. Once you configure what you want, you click connect and the rest is fairly automatic. Once connected this dialog box tells you what is happening and if it is successful or not. Well, it’s exciting on our end!

1d Pactor Modem

More bridges today:

1f ICW South Florida

And the homes:

1g ICW home

1h ICW home

1I ICW home

Christmas decorations:

1j ICW Christmas decorations

…and how bout those winds???

1k ICW winds

You can see where we are by clicking on the map tab at the top of the screen or go to www.winlink.org and input call sign KM4EWY.

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Moving South

So we anchored in West Palm Beach a few days ago and realized we needed some
parts for our SSB radio. The parts we needed were on the other side of the state, and
not wanting to leave the boat in that anchorage, we decided to take a slip in the
municipal marina. We pulled into the Riviera Beach Marina, rented a car, drove to Punta
Gorda and back with stops on the way, installed the radio parts, and fell asleep.

We stayed in the marina for three days, relaxing, fixing things, and relaxing, and it was
worth every penny. The boat is getting in order, we are regaining our knowledge, and
everything seems to be working well. The weather, or winds to be specific, are horrible.
We consistently have north to NE winds 17­-20kts with gusts to 25, even had one hit 30
briefly. OK so maybe we are fair weather sailors.

Today the winds dropped to about 15 so we cast off the dock lines and headed south.
Getting out of the slip was a heart attack scenario, with a 16 knot crosswind blowing us
off the dock ­ great ­ but into a $2 million yacht ­ not great! We slid the boat out as far as
we could, cast off the lines and gunned it in reverse. We slid out of the slip into the
fairway and the boat, of course, would not turn. After some intense throttle and steering
movements we were able to maneuver out of the marina and into the ICW.

Right now we’re anchored in Lantana, about 30 miles north of Ft. Lauderdale. We had
a nice short day and anchored early in a nice spot. We cleaned up the boat and did
some maintenance. Now we are sitting in the cockpit enjoying a drink!

West Palm Beach is a very busy port:


Then we pulled into the marina, very nice but the jellyfish seemed to like our slip:


The further south you get the more mega yachts you see:



…and lots of bridges:



We are anchored just south of this one:


And Tanya thinks it’s gross that I am going to eat this rutabaga tonight:


We had two major electronic advancements, our HF email is working, and we now have
position reporting. We will give out our HF email after we are more comfortable using it.
If you would like to follow our position reports, go to www.winlink.org, click on position
reporting and input KM4EWY, which is my ham radio call sign. The position reports are only updated when we connect, so it’s probably showing us in WPB.  We will send another report tonight.

Winds are not forecast favorable for the next week so we plan to take our time getting to Miami.

Also, we’re using phone and tablet now so we are doing the best we can with updates. We’re not able to edit pictures right now so for a better view just click on a picture and it should open fullscreen.

Categories: Cruising | 5 Comments

It’s Warmer!

The winds were howling and the temp dropped into the 40’s so we decided to stay put in Ft Pierce for another day. We left this morning before sun up and just dropped anchor in West Palm Beach. Long day but it’s warm and the water is clear!

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