Feeding fish carcasses to a shark. Big Majors Spot, Staniel Cay, Exuma Bahamas.
We have another couple of videos but they will have to wait, our internet is very expensive and it’s metered.
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We're Underway! |
Feeding fish carcasses to a shark. Big Majors Spot, Staniel Cay, Exuma Bahamas.
We have another couple of videos but they will have to wait, our internet is very expensive and it’s metered.
We made it to Big Majors Spot. It was a short trip, just a few miles north. We dropped the hook, met up with Dirk and Nancy, then went fishing.
It was such a short trip we didn’t even bring up the dinghy:
Rounded the corner, anchorage off in the distance:
Anchorage is pretty empty:
Went fishing with Dirk and finally caught some Mahi Mahi:
We grilled it and are now sitting on the couch stuffed with fish and baked potatoes.
We have lots of things to see and do here so we will update again in a few days.
We are off again. We just stopped in here (Black Point, Great Guana Cay, Exumas) to pick up some fresh food, make water and get some rest. We are going to pick up anchor in a few minutes and head to Staniel Cay. The anchorage is fairly remote so I expect zero internet. We will update again when we can.
Sunrise Black Point:
You can see where we are by clicking on the MAP tab at the top of the page. If you zoom in, our last position should be in the center of the screen. You can also change from map to satellite view in that screen.
We had a great time in Georgetown, met some very nice people, but it was time to move on. We left Monday the 15th and headed north just a few miles to the Marina at Emerald Bay. We spent three nights in the marina enjoying the huge concrete floating docks, free laundry and wifi, and meeting some real nice people. Thursday morning we cast off the lines and headed north once again to Lee Stocking Island. Since leaving Georgetown we have been sailing 90 percent of the time, real engine-off sailing! We had a fantastic time at Lee Stocking but after two days we headed north to Black Point. Right now we are anchored in Black Point to hit the small grocery store for eggs and other fresh things. Tomorrow morning we are heading to Staniel Cay where we hope to meet up with Dirk and Nancy on S/V Renegade. After today we will most likely be “sans” internet for a while.
Elizabeth Harbour and Georgetown in our wake:
Entering Emerald Bay Marina:
Emerald Bay Marina, laundry, showers, ice, wifi…decadence:
Our charts can be really accurate at times. We were on the last dock on the fifth finger pier:
After three days in luxury we headed north. On the outside we put out the lines hoping to catch some fish. Something huge took one of our lines and ran like crazy. By the time I got it to stop running I was so tired all I could do was laugh, then…snap, he chewed through the line. We don’t know what it was but it was huge. I am changing to all wire leaders from now on…
Adderly Cut to Lee Stocking Island. Stone beacon on Adderly Island:
Heading to anchorage at Lee Stocking. This used to be The Perry Institute for Marine Science Caribbean Research Center, now closed:
Main dock at Lee Stocking:
Would have been terrible working here:
Road across the island:
Lab facility:
There were ponds all over the place:
Old dining facility:
Reverse Osmosis water plant:
Wind generator laying flat:
Waterfront, administration building behind the palms, dive center and medical office to the right:
Nice beach:
House on the hill with beautiful views:
Then we took a walk down the runway:
Workshop halfway down the runway:
Storage building:
Salt pond (very stinky):
We took the dinghy around the island and found this secluded beach:
Had lunch on the beach, swam, and sat in the sun all day:
We are in Black Point right now and will be heading north again tomorrow. We will update again when we find internet.
We are leaving the marina this morning and heading north to Lee Stocking Island then Big Majors Spot. We most likely won’t have internet for a while but will update when we can!