We went to dinner last night at Green Turtle Marina (yes we’re in a marina) with friends Dirk and Nancy on S/V Renegade http://www.svrenegade.blogspot.com/ , we had a fantastic time. The marina is nice, the food (and drinks) were great, and of course it is always nice to be with friends.
Anyway, here are more pictures of our crossing.
Although I couldn’t quite capture it with a point and shoot camera, the water is so clear you can see the bottom at 20 feet. When the water is still you can see the ripples of sand on the bottom:

S/V Renegade in the distance:

Once we arrived in Bahamian waters we are required to hoist the quarantine flag:

Sunset on the Little Bahama Banks. We anchored at Great Sale Cay about two hours later:

Celebrating our first night in the Bahamas with a rum punch:

Sunrise and S/V Renegade at Great Sale Cay:

We had our first equipment failure, fortunately it was a small one. Our fresh air intake blower for the engine broke. I had to swap it out the next morning, not fun but not too bad either:

When we got ready to lift anchor we could really see the clarity of the water:

We have more pictures so we will post again before we leave. Hopefully we’re going spear fishing today! Weather permitting…
As always you can check our location on the map page. Our last location should be the little pin in the center of the map when you first open the page.