
We are still in Palm Beach-Lake Worth waiting on a weather window. We’re not complaining, we could be stuck in worse places! We have been working on little boat projects, cleaning, cooking, sightseeing, and enjoying our time here.

West Palm Beach is a haven for the uber rich and there is a boat yard here where they park their mega-yachts. We took the dinghy and went out for a look.

Some yachts were older looking but beautiful:

Some have helicopters:

Some have Maseratis on them:

Some are just huge:

And this one belongs to the heirs of former Apple CEO Steve Jobs:

We have been cooking as well. Here we are trying to make mushroom risotto. It was delicious:

And as our boat sits in this beautiful blue water…

…we have happy hour in the cockpit every night. We found some really tasty guacamole:

The Port of West Palm Beach is a busy place. This is a captured drug submarine being towed in:

Container ships come and go quite frequently:

Cruise ships come in once in a while:

We’re still having a good time but are ready to move on.

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We have been snorkeling several times around Peanut Island,  http://www.co.palm-beach.fl.us/parks/peanutisland/ which is a beautiful park just inside Lake Worth Inlet. We are anchored just south of Peanut Island.

The water is so clear and there are tons of fish, and I still can not take decent pictures.

Coconut palm trees, clear water, warm weather!

You can check the location of Peanut Island by clicking on the map tab.

Categories: Boat, Cruising | 1 Comment

Catching Up

We have not been able to find wifi here, can’t even buy it. If we want free wifi we have to take the computers across the anchorage to the marina and were not up to that, it’s too far and we’re generally soaked by the time we get there. In order to get any information we have been using the smart phone and the VHF and single side band radios. The phone is really hard on my eyes but the ssb radio has been a great source of information. Anyway, we decided to tether our phone to the laptop so we can get internet. Tethering doesn’t cost any more but you have to watch your data usage so you don’t exceed your allowance. So far the internet via phone is excellent and has enabled us to update the website!

It’s been a while. While in Fort Pierce we met up with our great friends, Michel and Monique on S/V Zen. We left Fort Pierce together and sailed to West Palm Beach/Lake Worth. There was a light fog layer but it did not prevent us from leaving. We had to head north just a bit, under the bridge in Fort Pierce, and hook a right out the inlet and into the ocean.

Zen leading the way:

Sailing south:

The fog lifted and it turned out to be a beautiful day:

When we arrived in Lake Worth Monique made a wonderful mushroom risotto with salad and a French wine, it was fantastic!  

Michel and Dave:

Beautiful Sunrise over Palm Beach:

I have been itching to go for a dive, and the water is so beautiful here, I had to get in the water the first day here. It was so much fun! It was fun just to get back in the water and practice basic skills. We tied up behind Zen and just dove from there, changed a zinc on their boat, and just had fun.


They call us divemaster Dave and flag girl Tanya:



Unfortunately we had to say good bye to our great friends Michel and Monique on S/V Zen. They are continuing onto Miami and Key West while we are heading to the Bahamas. One of the little downers of cruising is making great friends only to have to eventually part ways. I’m sure we will meet again and we wish them safe travels.

We are still here in WPB-Lake Worth waiting on a weather front to blow through and hopefully meet up with Dirk and Nancy on S/V Renegade. http://www.svrenegade.blogspot.com/

You can click on the map tab to check out our latest position.

More to follow…

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Back at Anchor

Weather not as predicted, 25kts wind six foot seas. Took a few big waves over the bow and called it quits. Will try another day.

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We are attempting to cross to the Bahamas tonight, leaving around 2100. Weather forecast is favorable but if we get out there and don’t feel comfortable we will turn back. Could not find wifi here so we will have to update later. Still using the phone.

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