We are anchored in Great Salt Pond, Block Island RI. We left Onset at 0730 this morning in the pouring rain, headed down the channel into Buzzard’s Bay, the sound and Block Island. We actually got to sail for several hours today, just awesome. We were doing between 6 and 7 kts with just the head sail, then the winds started to change direction and we were able to get all the sails up. Then of course the winds changed to, right on the nose, so we dropped sail and motored the last few hours to Block Island. It was a nice sail while it lasted!
Looking back toward the canal and Mass Maritime Academy:

Heading into Buzzard’s Bay:

Out in the middle of the bay this little bird showed up, very tired, and hitched a ride with us for a while:

Had not seen the sun in days. Block Island on the horizon:

Moonrise, Great Salt Pond, Block Island:

We grilled some steaks tonight, very nice. We’re probably going to be here for a few days due to the weather. We need to head west along Long Island Sound before we can head south and the winds are forecast out of the west at 25 knots for the next two days. Right now its howling 20-25 knots and our wind generator is pumping out the free electricity. It’s very sheltered in here so there is almost no wave action even with the high winds. We’re going to head into town and look around tomorrow. Can you believe it’s October tomorrow? If we don’t make some progress heading south the seas are going to freeze over and trap us here!
There’s almost no boats in this whole huge anchorage…man we’re in trouble…we stayed to long.;-)
Update soon!