Past Two Weeks

Looking back over the past couple of weeks… In order to get the boat in the water we had to accomplish quite a bit, this is just a sample.

Prep and prime the masts:

Paint the masts:

The paint came out quite nice. Bob is installing and wiring the tv antenna and wind generator mounts:

He also installed sail track on the main mast so we can store the spinnaker pole vertically rather than across the deck:

 Rigging the masts (in the pouring rain):

Get the dinghy ready. Mom washed it, Tanya and Joan prepped and bottom painted:

We finally finished stripping 34 years of paint off the bottom:

Then we had to fair the bottom, removing the majority of surface imperfections:

Then we applied a waterproof epoxy barrier coat, first white then gray. We (Tanya, my sister and I) applied four coats:

 That first coat gave us a real psychological boost. It was nice to see one solid color:

We waited the appropriate dry time then started a new coat of gray:

Painful wrist, but the bottom sure looks nice:

Then we applied two coats of anti-fouling bottom paint:

If you notice in the back it is pouring rain. You’re not supposed to paint in the rain or with high humidity. We didn’t have a choice, we were not missing our launch date, so we painted anyway. I sprayed three coats of Awlgrip Aristo Blue and it came out quite nice considering the conditions at the time:

Completely new exhaust system exiting through a new three inch stainless exhaust outlet which Tanya installed:

We finished installing the chain plates and covers:

I’m sure I missed quite a bit but that’s a brief summary of what it took to get the boat back in the water. Thanks to everyone for helping us meet that deadline!!!

We will add the launch pics in a few days.

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We Made it, We’re in!!

We made it, we are in the water, floating again!!! These past few days have been very long, we are beat! We are going to get some sleep, wake up late and take the day off (for the most part).

We would not be back in the water without a tremendous amount of support from our family and friends!! Thank you for all the help!!!

We will update our blog in a few days. Until then…

Categories: Boat, Refit | 7 Comments

Launching in Two Days!

We’ve been delinquent with our updates in the last couple of weeks but it’s not due to laziness! Our launch date is June 28th and we have had to accomplish quite a bit in order to be ready. With a great deal of help we have: completed the bottom job, engine, masts, rigging, windlass, companionway hatches, more wiring, chain plates and probably some other things I can’t remember right now. Once the boat is launched we will be updating with a bit more detail, but for now we are keeping our nose in the game and focusing on the launch!

A huge Thank You to everyone for their hard labor and support!

Categories: Boat, General | 2 Comments

Topside Paint is Complete!

We were able to get quite a bit done in this last stretch of good weather. Tanya has been varnishing up a storm. The masts have been uncovered, cleaned, sanded and taped up in preparation for painting. Yesterday we were able to complete our last large weather sensitive project, topside painting!

Tanya and her Father worked tirelessly on the masts. The mizzen boom track had to be raised, winches serviced, and both masts were completely prepped for painting!

First coat of Awlgrip Oyster White:

Last of four coats:

Done. It’s pretty shiny. Can’t wait to see how it looks on the water!

Today is a rain day but the forecast is sun for the next four days! We will get the masts primed and painted, get the engine running, and then…we will have to complete the bottom job…

Stay tuned!

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Sunny Day!

The weather here has been dismal for the past week, cold, rain, fog, more rain.  The damp weather makes it very difficult to make progress on some of our most important projects. When we went to bed last night it was pouring rain. When we woke up the sun was shining and it is supposed to be sunny and “warm” for the next three days!!

We were able to apply Awlgrip primer to the topsides today:

After priming we faired the topsides. All the tiny little surface imperfections have to be filled with Awlgrip fairing compound before applying the top coat. Even the smallest little cracks will show up in the new paint.

We should be able to sand all of this tomorrow then add a final coat of primer.

We have uncovered the masts and have begun prepping those for primer and paint as well.

With any luck we will be applying the top coat on Monday.

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