We’re making progress every day! Bob has been wiring everything, panels, lights, windlass, refrigeration, instruments, and alot of things I’m sure I’ve missed. We ran the wiring for the fans to the v berth and saloon, starboard side, we’ll get the port side tomorrow. We also wired the LED locker lights and they work great. Ran wires for the stereo. We are working on wiring and plumbing below the floor (total mess). We ran the hose for the water heater and we’re running new water hose from the tanks to the distribution manifold and pump (which goes out to the faucets). Bob built a full length shelf above our nav station. We are removing the old wood around the cockpit coaming. The fridge and freezer boxes are finally finished. We will finish the compressor installation once the wiring and plumbing is finished below deck. And Sis is closing up all the holes in the hull with West System Epoxy, THANKS!! Thanks to all for the help!
We are building a bronze raw water manifold that will supply the engine, generator and head (toilet) with water while allowing us to close up several holes in the hull:

The windlass finally came back after several weeks, rebuilt and re-chromed. Still in the box waiting to be installed:

Bob starting the windlass wiring:

Bob building our nav station shelf:

Pulling all the wood from the cockpit coaming. We have some beautiful African Mahogany that will replace this worn out wood:

Wiring and plumbing below deck was a total mess. I can’t wait to do the before and after pics on this mess:

Yeah, working in on wiring in the bilge:

The fridge and freezer boxes are finally finished. This was beginning to feel like a rash that would not go away. Hard work persevered, job done, rash gone. Okay, still have to do the counter top but that is the counter top:

Nice. Done.

Lids, finished:

Done Done:

Lots more to come!