It’s been a few days since our last update but we’re still at it. We’ve been working almost every day and by the time we get home we’re pretty tired. Can’t thank Tanya’s Father Bob enough for all the help. Actually we have had help from so many people we have lost count. We are still constructing and fabricating. We finished one battery box, 90% finished with the second battery box, generator mount is all but done, compartments are getting cleaned up and ready for final paint. We added a small hatch to our berth (bedroom), replaced the hatch in the shower, and now we are aggressively attacking the refrigeration. We get fixated on a particular job and forget to take the in process pictures but here’s a few from the recent projects.
We have to move some of the thru hulls and remove the unused (thanks Sis!). We are using West System epoxy and fiberglass to close up the holes:

Battery box finished, minus paint:

After careful measurement, Bob cuts the hole for the hatch in our berth:

Hatch is in, which will give us some badly needed ventilation in our berth area:

We replaced the 33 year old hatch in the shower. The old hatch had been leaking for sime time so we had to dig out the rotted core and we’ll fill it in with West System epoxy:

New hatch is in:

Tanya has been ripping out the original ports (windows). Most of the original ports did not open and the previous owner sealed the opening ports shut, so we had NO opening ports at all! We are installing all new, opening, stainless steel ports! Tanya grinding off the old sealant:
We cut off the top of the ice box so we can add insulation and a divider to seperate the freezer from the fridge:

Sealing the insulation to the walls and filling the gaps with expanding foam:

On that note, with all the panels propped up and drying, we took off for the day:

More later!