Moving forward…

Friday was a beautiful day in the upper 70s, unfortunately I spent most of it dealing with the long distance closing of our home in Florida. Eventually I made it to the boat and got a few things done. The boat is jammed with everything you can imagine, tools, parts, cushions, interior furniture etc. In an effort to free up interior space I started installing things that could go outside or just put things back in their place if possible.  I finished cleaning up a bit in the head, replaced the sanitation hose, repositioned the intake hose, so then I was able to reinstall the head.

All connected and back where it belongs:

After the head install I moved the main boom from the saloon out to the deck, then I installed the davit stabilizer. Those three things freed up quite a bit of working space below.

Saturday morning Tanya came down and we were able to tackle the through hulls.


First we made up some backing plates. We don’t have a workshop so everything is improvised and I’m pretty sure we are pushing the safety envelope working without the right tools. Ya just gotta do it…

While Tanya cleaned up the backing plates I cleaned up the hull.

Once everything was prepped Tanya applied the sealant, inserted the through hull, then I installed the backing plated and tightened them down. 

The two in the bow are finished…

We started on the two larger through hulls but we were missing a tool so that came to a quick stop.  We’re heading to the boat on Sunday so we will pick up the tool and finish the remain two.

We are installing a new NMEA 2000 depth-speed-temp transducer in place of one of the two archaic non functioning speed transducers. Later this summer when we have more time, we will remove the other transducer and fill in the hole.

Of course it would not come out without a fight which is I guess what you are looking for when installing a piece of equipment below the water line! Anyway, I thought I could get it out with the dremel but that didn’t work. The dremel had a major malfunction and burned up in my hand, lots of putrid thick electrical smoke (great hang time), we had to evacuate. Out came the big guns, the 4 1/2 inch grinder with a cutting wheel, that did the trick.

Working without our dremel is like attempting pull-ups with out arms. Since we couldn’t put the finishing touches on this project we decided to rough up the mounting block and call it a day. I think we’re going to swap out the plastic transducer through hull with bronze anyway.

Half of this mounting block will go outside the hull, the other on the inside, to keep the transducer as vertical as possible.

In rough form for illustration purposes:

All in all another very productive day!

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We closed on our house in Florida yesterday! There  was some drama near the closing but everything worked out and we are Florida home owners!!!

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Another productive day!

Yesterday was a very productive day! Still have not completed a single project but we are making progress in that direction. In an effort to get the boat ready for launch I have been inspecting the through hulls and seacocks, I found four that were spinning and showed evidence of leaking. Of course even with the right tools I couldn’t separate the through hull from the larger seacocks so I had to resort to the dremel.

Even with the through hull wrench they would not budge so out came the dremel.

Once the seacocks were out I was able to wire brush them and lubricate all the moving parts.

The smaller through hulls in the bow came out with the wrench.


This one is not going back in:

I’m going to use something other than wood for a backing plate:

I cleaned this one up and will reuse it.

I bought new through hulls last night and will get around to installing them this weekend when Tanya comes down to the boat. Today I will continue with the remaining seacocks and what ever else is on the list. It’s supposed to be in the 70s today and fairly nice this weekend so I hope we can knock out a big chunk of our list.

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Running around

This was a planned running around day due to the weather forecast. Although it started out pretty crummy the sun poked out and it warmed up a bit.

I had to cut off a couple of screws from one of the seacocks so I set out to find replacements in bronze. I had heard good things about Fawcett Boat Supply in Annapolis so I decided to take a look. What a great place, and really nice people too! They didn’t have the bronze screws out on display but someone took a look out back and sure enough, they had them! They actually had bronze hex head bolts in the same thread, I’ll take em. I walked around, aisle by aisle, and picked up a few other things that were on the list.

I also received my new sheaves for the mizzen top from Dwyer Aluminum Mast Company.

After wandering the aisles at Fawcett I went over to Canvas Creations by Jabin’s yacht yard. Dan at Canvas Creations is going to make our hard dodger, bimini and enclosure and today we picked out colors and materials. We are going with Sunbrella linen for the bimini (and sail covers etc.) and a matching awlgrip color for the dodger.

Then across the parking lot to Kato Marine to pick up the lateral stabilizer for the davits. Kato is also custom manufacturing our wind generator mount. 

Pretty boring day but it’s nice to see things come together. Back to the boat for the next three days, it’s supposed to hit 70 on Friday!!

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Yesterday was fairly productive. Even though not one project was completed I did make progress. In preparation for launch I disassembled the seacocks for inspection. It had been years since these were apart and not even PB Blaster would help.

I ended up cutting the screws with my dremel. I’m pretty sure these seacocks were salvaged from the ark.

They cleaned up pretty well. I’ll have to coat them with preservative so I don’t have to go through that again.

Time to change out that 33 year old hose!

It’s amazing how time consuming these were! I also got rid of some wiring from the lectrasan and cleaned up a bit. I was getting tired of hearing the sand grind into the sole with every foot step.

Now all I need to do is find two 1/4-20 bronze machine screws, everyone carries those don’t they?

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