Two Days Sailing!
We have had two whole days of sailing, amazing! We left Quantico yesterday and rocketed down the Potomac River to St Clement’s Island. We had strong following winds and seas the entire way! We anchored on the east side of the island trying to hide from the strong north east winds. Well we did not escape the winds but … Continue reading
Heading South!
We departed DC this morning and dropped anchor again at Quantico. Nothing much to see that we haven’t already posted. Lots of debris in the river. We are slowly making our way south and will update again soon.
We’ve been in DC for a few days now. We forgot how crazy it is here with traffic, everyone rushing, the lights, noise, helicopters flying right overhead, planes landing and taking off every few minutes…wow. I can’t believe we forgot about this so quickly, maybe it was more of a mental block! All well worth … Continue reading
Trip to Annapolis Maryland. The anchorages outside of Annapolis are well marked on the chart and with really calm conditions we decided to drop anchor for the night. We ended up staying two nights at anchor and two nights on a mooring downtown. The first night was very peaceful, beautiful view of the Naval Academy, … Continue reading
DC Bound
We are anchored off Quantico tonight, 25 miles from DC. We are planning to be there on Tuesday afternoon. We enjoyed a great dinner tonight with Stephanie and will see her tomorrow as well. Have some great pictures to post once we have a decent internet signal. Until then …